Home Is Where The Art Is
Creating art and engaging in inspirational activities is important for every age and demographic! Bo Bartlett and other volunteers paint with folks at the SafeHouse every Thursday morning (9:00-11:00am) and Monday mornings with inmates in the Muscogee County Jail. We are so grateful to Bo Bartlett, The Bo Bartlett Center, and volunteers for making this program possible.
Annual Home Is Where The Art Is Exhibit
Each April, join SafeHouse and The Bo Bartlett Center for an Art Auction. The works of our homeless and incarcerated artists will be displayed and available for purchase.
For interest in more information, call The SafeHouse: 706-322-3773
A poem by Brinkley Pound

Recently released from incarceration,
men, some still boys, gather
at the Safe House
to keep warm,
sip hot coffee,
talk and listen freely, or just
rest peacefully.
Neil provides opportunities to
Most cannot break the cycle
of their lives.
Many are too far removed from
the classroom.
Bo comes once a week
bringing canvases, acrylics, and brushes.
None are too far removed
in this house, now a home,
where the art is.